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Foshan Mingtian Aluminum Co., Ltd

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 manufacturers of industrial aluminum profiles, decorative aluminum profiles and luggage profiles

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What is the difference between seamless aluminum tube and extruded aluminum tube with combined die?

The aluminum tube extruder consists of extrusion box and cylinder. The heated aluminum block is put into the extrusion box from the feeding port. The cylinder starts to work, so that the extrusion beam pushes the aluminum block to move toward the extrusion die. The aluminum block under high temperature has good plasticity. When the aluminum block temperature decreases, the plasticity will also decrease. Under the action of certain pressure and speed of the extrusion beam, the extrusion pad pushes the aluminum block to produce plastic flow In the extrusion process, the aluminum block is in a strong pressure state in the extrusion deformation zone, which can give full play to its plasticity and obtain large deformation. At the same time, extrusion deformation can improve the structure of metal materials and improve its mechanical properties, especially for aluminum blocks with extrusion effect, the extruded products are quenched After aging, the longitudinal (extrusion direction) mechanical properties are much higher than the similar products produced by other processing methods. Extrusion processing also has great flexibility. Products with different shapes, sizes and varieties can be produced on the same equipment by replacing the extrusion die. The operation of replacing the extrusion die is simple, convenient, time-consuming and high efficiency. However, there are still many problems in the forming of some double-layer seamless aluminum tubes. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the situation.

Most of aluminum tubes are produced by conventional combined die welding and extrusion process, which can not completely avoid welding line, especially the dark line after oxidation. The extrusion process of short round bar, high temperature and slow speed should be adopted in extrusion production. Especially, the "three temperatures" should be well controlled. The aluminum rod, extrusion cylinder and die should be kept clean. The aging time and temperature should be adjusted according to the thickness of pipe wall and the size of pipe diameter.

Large seamless aluminum tubes are usually formed by hot extrusion, and then after subsequent actual treatment. The small seamless aluminum tube can be hot extruded or cold drawn, and then through subsequent actual treatment.

The alumina hydrate produced in the production of seamless aluminum tube needs continuous extrusion, and the sand hole is formed by severe dehydration during the extrusion process. In order to prevent the sand hole on the seamless aluminum pipe, the round aluminum rod used for extrusion shall not have rolling cracks; it shall not be stored in a humid environment. The sodium hydroxide content in the cleaning solution is better than 30%, and the aluminum ion content in the cleaning solution shall be strictly controlled.

Seamless aluminum tube is generally used by piercing extrusion method. Because seamless aluminum tube has the characteristics of small specific gravity, easy processing and high mechanical strength, in fact, the production process requirements of seamless aluminum tube are relatively strict and fine. But in the production should pay attention to some problems, in order to produce the quality of seamless aluminum tube. The following is to share with you the seamless aluminum tube production process needs to pay attention to the problems and some successful practical experience.

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