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Foshan Mingtian Aluminum Co., Ltd

To provide you with customized and professional design

 manufacturers of industrial aluminum profiles, decorative aluminum profiles and luggage profiles

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Selection method of industrial aluminum profiles?

1. When selecting the appropriate industrial profile series, you need to consider the expected maximum load of the profile, determine the correct size of the profile by calculating the stresses caused by bending and material strain, and taking into account the appropriate safety margin.

2. When installing additional accessories, it is necessary to avoid fracture of the profile. The benefits of this include better stability, fewer cuts, fewer connections, and shorter installation time. The profile can be extended only with the aid of the relevant fastening elements and, if possible, supported at the connection

3. A series of industrial aluminum profiles with slot width of 6 mm are suitable for various types of light frame composite structures. By selecting profile 6 series or profile 6 series lightweight, the most suitable materials can be found for specific construction tasks.

4. The profile with closed notch is suitable for the structure emphasizing appearance, especially suitable for dust-free application when combined with radial seal.

5. The end cover is used for the section of various profiles, and the cutting edge does not need chamfering and deburring. The plastic end cover is fixed to the center hole by pressing and opening holes. This special cone prevents vibration and also resists the effects of temperature changes.

6. The components of the fastener product group ensure excellent tightness at the strong locking profile connection. The screw fixation of all fastening elements is very flexible, which has the special advantage of changing the structure in the future, which is easy to expand or reduce the size.

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